Obon and fireworks festivals -Living in Japan Blog, Life in Japan 2023 summer!


Now, it is Obon holidays in Japan!

If you don’t know what お盆休み is, you can check my video below.

Summer in Japan

What’s on today? Obon holiday – Aug 14th, 2023

It is now Obon holiday. Many people go back to their hometowns during Obon. However, a big typhoon is approaching, people are concerning about its impact. Especially in the Kinki and Tokai area, strong rain or wind is expected.


It is typoon season from August to October in Japan, please be careful when you come.

What you need for summer in Japan: 花火大会

What you need for Japanese summer is,  花火大会はなびたいかい. (It means fireworks festival)

There are many festivals, but one of the most famous one is ‘Sumida River Fireworks Festival’. This year it was held on 29th of July; it’s been four years since the last festival due to pandemic.

It is amazing now we could have fireworks festivals, finally!

I mean, summer without fireworks.. that is not ‘Japanese summer’!

If you hear the sound of fireworks, then- that is the sound of summer in Japan. (in my opinion)

Fireworks spreading on the sky and underneath there are people wearing yukata- It is super nostalgic to me somehow…

Went to see fireworks

So, I went out to see fireworks the other day.

Hearing the sound of fireworks, I felt so happy that my mind was kinda – out of space. I was looking up the night sky, searching for the fireworks. I could see the fireworks behind the buildings, so I ran on the dark road, all alone, to see them closer –

‘Almost there, almost there!’ I was talking to myself in my mind. My heart was beating fast, I could see the fireworks finally – I was almost smiling and skipping at the same time all by myself.

But the next moment, I was lying on the concrete road.

Can you believe it? I fell.

Well – Do you know there’s this thing in Japan?

This is called 側溝そっこう in Japanese. It is a groove along a road to drain the water. Usually, or rather, it HAS TO have the lid on the top, so no one would fall into. But there was no lid somehow.

側溝 without its lid – as you can see in the picture above-  that is basically just a pitfall or a TRAP. It looks like it is waiting for someone to fall into- and someone had to be me.

I fell into that trap at great speed (you know, I was skipping), falling down on the road, in the darkness, all alone.

I couldn’t understand what just happened at first.

Only a few seconds ago, I was skipping, searching for the fireworks, immersing myself in nostalgia. But now- how come I was lying on the road, holding my injured leg?

I felt like crying, mumbling ‘where are fireworks?’ in my head.

There were some people walking towards fireworks just like me, but no one could see me lying on the road, because it was too dark (or I hope so).

My right leg hurt so bad and my hands were bleeding a little. I cursed myself for falling down and I also cursed 側溝 for not having the lid. (Bad boy, you are)

But after a while, I stood up because I had to! I could hear the sound of fireworks. I had to see fireworks!

I thought, ‘I should get going!’ I started walking again towards the fireworks.

But – あぁ無情むじょう(How ruthless). That was when the fireworks ended.

I stood there, dombfounded. I got a huge bruise for nothing.

I went back home. This time I wasn’t skipping.

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Have a great summer!

So, that was my summer memory 2023! I couldn’t see fireworks nor wear yukata, but who cares? Now I know how dangerous to be in nostalgia at night in the darkness, all alone, while running. (sarcasm)

I hope you guys all having a great summer!

Summer is my favourite season🏖
