How Hard is it to become a Youtuber? to get 1000 subscribers? Youtube Diary – December 2021



I’m Mitsuki from Japan.

I have two channels on Youtube.

One is for the Japanese learners,
The other is for the short sleepers or those who like stories, who are interested in Japan, etc.

I’ve decided that I will be aiming for 5000 subscribers! (for Sleepy Mitsuki Channel, 1000 subs)

But how hard is it to become a youtuber?

→Well, it’s quite easy and simple. You just have to edit a video and upload it. That’s all, everyone can do it.

But how hard is it to get 1000 subscribers on Youtube?
→Let’s find out with me!

I’ll write a youtube diary, from December 2021, when I started posting videos on Youtube.

How Hard is it to get 1000 subscribers? Youtube Diary

Started without thinking

I started my Youtube channel in December 2021, on a very cold day.

I started Youtube because I wanted to change myself, and-  at the same time-  I wish to help someone who are interested in my country, Japan.

I noticed – I have NOTHING that I can tell.
I couldn’t think of anything.

I want to make videos – but, about what? And how?

After thinking and researching for a very long time, I decided to make videos for the Japanese learners; I made a video about Kanji and uploaded it.

But if you happened to watch my videos, you might be able to tell –
Well, quite frankly speaking, I SUCK at it.

6 views, 0 subscribers

In a first week, I posted THREE videos.
(It’s not too bad, as a beginner, right?)

First two videos got around 5 views.
And the third one is only played once. (which is played by me, by the way😇)

Basically, in a first week, no one watched my channel.

Got one subscriber!

It was nine days later when I finally got my first subscriber.

I can’t forget how I felt when someone- someone REALLY nice-  subscribed my channel for the first time in my life.
I was soo moved, I wish I could give that kind person a flower or something, or wish to make a dinner for him/her ! (tempura😋?)

I was so happy and I thought I could get more subscribers from now on!

I was really optimistic.

but I was wrong.
SUPER wrong.

(To be continued😊)
