I’m Mitsuki, I’m posting story videos on Youtube. Here I’m posting the script of “Kintaro“, one of the most famous Japanese folklore.
I hope you enjoy🌙
Kintaro- Story of Samurai called Sakatano Kintoki
Once upon a time, there was a boy named kintaro. He was living with his mother, in the mountain.
山奥= 山の奥 = deep in the mountain
And it was said that his father was a red dragon. No wonder he was such a strong boy, no one could beat him.
赤竜…? I don’t know what this means.
赤竜 = difficult word, not frequently used. You don’t have to remember it!
He was not only strong, but also a gentle boy. He had many animal friends and he was always helping the weak ones.
〜だけでなく.. = not only 〜 but also ..
持ち主= owner (優しい心の持ち主=owner of the gentle heart)
助ける = to help
One day, a samurai from the city came to the mountain, where kintaro was.
His name was Minamotono Yorimitsu (also known as raiko).
He saw kintaro, and surprised how strong he looked.
やってくる=come up
強そう=look strong
He let his fellow samurai to sumo fight with kintaro, and kintaro won.
He was impressed and he asked kintaro to come to the city with him.
What is たいそう?!
たいそう(大層) = very/really : old expression, it’s not often used these days!
感心する = to be impressed
たのむ = ask to..
First kintaro was hesitant because he was worried about his mother, but his mother encouraged him to go to the city.
Sorry, in my video I forgot to read the sentence in brackets ..
ためらう= hesitant
伝える = to tell
So Kintaro decided to go to the city with Yorimitsu, and now got the new name, “Sakatano Kintoki”.
Kintoki helped all the people in the city by beating many oni- the devil. Kintaro, with his gentle heart, became the real samurai …
退治する =get rid of
なったとさ is an old expression. Just「立派な侍になりました」would be fine!
Many years passed by …
Kintaro disappeared as his master yorimitsu passed away.
People saw kintaro visiting yorimitsu’s grave, but after no one knew he went.
姿を消す = disappeared
The wind was blowing quietly there.
おしまい THE END
How did you like the story of Kintaro?
This is the story of Samurai called 坂田金時, who lived in Heian period. (956?-)
Please check the Youtube video if you want to listen this story!
Thank you for reading!
おやすみなさい。Sweet dreams!🌙